Episode 33: Telltale Games
In the premiere of season 4, Will talks Liz through his history with Telltale Games.
Show Notes
The Tragic End of Telltale Games: https://www.theverge.com/2018/10/4/17934166/telltale-games-studio-closed-layoffs-end-the-walking-dead
Game Workers Unite! https://www.gameworkersunite.org/
Accessibility - The Curb Cut Effect: https://youtu.be/PJoax1Z1x4Y
Best example of a needle drop in a Tales from the Borderlands episode intro: https://youtu.be/GMhuQ4GRzZc
The Batman manga that Kenny read, which Liz hilariously forgot was called Bat-Manga!: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bat-Manga!:_The_Secret_History_of_Batman_in_Japan