Episode 36: Grab Bag!

Episode 36: Grab Bag!

Will pulls out topics from a hat, and Liz tells you why she’s smug about ‘em. 

Show Notes:

A regretful Elliott, post-cold shower:

The Bon Apettit Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbpMy0Fg74eXXkvxJrtEn3w

My thread of Zoodles: https://twitter.com/exclamate_/status/1248217754940866560

Travel From New York City Seeded Wave of U.S. Outbreaks: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/07/us/new-york-city-coronavirus-outbreak.html

Those Very Good Caramels: https://smittenkitchen.com/2012/10/apple-cider-caramels-the-book-is-here/

The Smitten Kitchen Recipe while she finally freezes her tofu: https://smittenkitchen.com/2020/01/roasted-squash-and-tofu-with-ginger/

This horrifying grammar choice:


Here’s Mason Jar Press’s website if you want to buy books or submit to them (if they have an open call!): http://masonjarpress.com/

Banana bread thread: https://twitter.com/exclamate_/status/1194227505588318208

Episode 37: Old English

Episode 37: Old English

Episode 35: Joe Pera

Episode 35: Joe Pera